CESR ID is deeply committed to participatory research and capacity development in the communities in which we work, with a view to strengthening local capabilities and contributing to a global network of learning and collaboration. We deliver training and participatory workshops to governments, academics, and international organizations.​

Training Topics

We offer training in a variety of topics, including: 

  • impact evaluation; 
  • research and application of behavioral insights for policy and practice;
  • cost-benefit analysis; and
  • qualitative data collection and analysis. 


Training is tailored to the specific needs and priorities of the audience, which includes  policy- and decision-makers in the government, non-governmental, private, and civil society sectors. 

Instructional Methods

Our workshops use a range of customized instructional methods, including case studies, video materials, problem definition and problem-solving group activities, and role playing.  


In addition, CESR partners with local universities to deliver courses for students at undergraduate and graduate levels.  

For more information on CESR International Development training, please email us.