Statement on Conflict of Interest

At DPI, we believe that the quality of our work is only as good as its integrity. We strive to be as independent and objective as possible; doing so requires that DPI is vigilant about avoiding conflicts of interest in our work.

DPI adheres to OECD DAC’s Principles for Evaluation of Development Assistance with regards to impartiality, independence, and credibility in order to avoid conflicts of interest. By this, we mean that neither DPI nor any member of its project team has been directly involved in the planning, implementation, or monitoring of a project or program that it is assessing. In addition, individuals should not have a financial stake in or association with the institutions or persons involved in the study. Any such relationship with the project or institution that could potentially undermine the credibility of our work is always disclosed to our clients at the onset. We work with our clients and their stakeholders to mitigate any concerns they might have so that the study remains objective and useful.

For more information, please see DPI’s Quality Standards.